Annual Report For The Year 2021

Offering educational programs to increase the awareness and expression of the qualities of soul and the strength of group soul, to reveal the One Life, and to help people live more effectively in their everyday lives to bring a finer aspect of Life to the emerging New World Community

Amid the complex currents of world change, disruption, and confusion, the SEQL educational programs bring an awareness to the underlying energies and forces affecting our experiences.  SEQL programs train our sensitivity to the finer currents of Life, and enhance our ability to express Life more effectively as we face the challenges of change in our everyday activities.  Energy sensitivity training is a particular focus of our weekend courses and our subjective public meditation evenings.

As a way of sharing our learning, and at the same time strengthening our subjective service, we have increased our contacts with other groups of similar intent, locally, nationally, and internationally through online connections and in our subjective group meditations.  We expect these contacts with other groups to continue to increase in the years ahead.

In September 2021, we offered 18 courses/study groups and received 149 registrations.   These are higher numbers than previous years.  Many students have been engaged in SEQL courses for several years – some since the Society first offered courses in 1998.  Some students are taking more than one course.

Our courses remain tuition-free.  As a registered charity, we receive donations that are used to provide guest speakers (currently online) and to support other organizations having a purpose similar to SEQL’s.  The Board thanks our volunteer course leaders, program managers, and our course members, as together, we build a strong group serving action.

Due to the pandemic, all our classes and gatherings of all groups were online.  The benefit of this is being able to offer our courses and study groups to people far afield.  Our course members include people from the US, UK, Eastern Canada and Italy. We are building on our individual and group strengths as we move forward into new ways of organizing, learning, teaching, and working together cooperatively.

Margo A. Rush, President February 18, 2022

Appendix to the 2021 Annual Report

Programs offered during the 2021-22 Course Year


  • Esoteric Psychology III
  • Law of Vibratory Expansion
  • Exploring Consciousness Through the Works of Martin Muller (2 groups)
  • The Art of Conscious Dying (2 groups)
  • We are the Path

Study Groups:

  • A Treatise on Cosmic Fire – monthly all day meetings
  • Tuesday Night Study/Meditation – weekly evening meetings
  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – twice-monthly morning meetings
  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – twice-monthly evening meetings
  • One Heart Agni Yoga Group – monthly morning meetings
  • Agni Yoga Contemplative Group – monthly morning meetings
  • Esoteric Astrology- monthly morning meetings


New and Full Moon Meditations

Public, Subjective Group Service Meditation – evenings, every first and third Monday

December Solstice Meditation

Email Correspondence Courses:

  • The Global Group: Discovering Soul’s Journey
  • Various Sounds Like Soul meditation groups

Texts for the courses include:

  • Several books by Alice A. Bailey
  • Martin Muller, The New Man
  • Martin Muller, Class Discussion Transcripts
  • The Agni Yoga Series – Leaves of Morya’s Garden I & II
  • Additional texts and articles as appropriate

All courses are open to anyone willing to undertake the course requirements.  The courses are held from September to the end of May with pre-class preparation.  The study groups meet from September to the end of May and periodically through the summer months with individual study and preparation between the meetings.

Members of the email courses connect with their course group members on regular one-week or three-week cycles of assignment, preparation, and reporting.  Email course members live in several different locations and some are also members of the Victoria course groups.

Two to three times during the year, all course members come together online for a weekend as a large integrated class.

Detailed descriptions of the basic curriculum are provided at

Guiding Principles of the Society’s Educational Programs

  1. The purpose of our learning is to serve by bringing a finer quality of life to humanity.
  2. Serving is using the power of soul for the benefit of others.
  3. Our service is much greater when we are aware of group strength.
  4. One part of the path toward group awareness and group service is daily practice of our Group Service Meditation.
  5. Study, meditation and service are our fundamental practices.
  6. Individuals are responsible for their own knowing.
  7. Every person is a learner and a teacher at all times.
  8. We are disciples of intelligence.
  9. We seek strength in diversity, harmony in action.
  10. We learn to Live Soul, Act Group, Reveal One. 

 2020-2021 Board of Directors
Margo Rush – President, Dacia Moss – Vice-President
Beverley Kovic – Secretary, Lynne Ronneseth – Treasurer
Sheilaigh Allen, Pamela Lewis, Kevin Ronneseth – Directors